Craft Inc. by Meg Mateo Ilasco was the last book I read - a fantastic source on starting your own creative/crafty business. The book is peppered with interviews of people who have turned their craft into a business, namely: Grace from
Design*Sponge, Sharilyn Wright from
Lovely Design, quilt designer
Denyse Schmidt and designer Lotta Anderson of
Lotta Jansdotter, among others. It's a quick one - a day or two should do it - or some long subway rides. If you haven't read it and are at all thinking of starting your own creative business - I highly highly recommend it.
So I'm searching for my next read. I usually have one or two that I want to read and I just don't right now. I'm tempted to pick up The Fountainhead again. Any suggestions?
East of Eden is one of my favorite 'settling into fall' books - I read it once a year probably! Can't wait to read Craft Inc!
I was recommended "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. It is the next read I have on my list!
Thanks Alicia and Katie.
Kristin recently recommended Eat, Pray, Love. Guess I better get reading.
Eat, Pray, Love = fantastic! I've read it twice & have recommended to lots of friends. Last American Man by her as well is also great - totally different but great!
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