I love when our products are written up in a strong & genuine voice - which was the case this week on Dwell.com. It certainly makes me feel good about what we do - but as a reader, it's nice to really feel that thoughtful connection between the editor & the product.
Thanks, Dwell!
I just discovered your website. Gorgeous designs. I will definitely be picking up the chevron print notepads. Love to support my local Brooklyn shops!
This is a nice write-up, and I can attest that the calendar is AMAZING.
If you're a blog reader and have not yet purchased, do yourself a favor. I bought one as a gift and have just about decided to keep it for myself. :)
One of my indulgences each year is to purchase a letterpress calendar for myself and I almost always buy a few more for gifts. I had forgotten that your calendar turns into post cards. That is just a fabulous idea.
Great article from Dwell - Congrats!
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