More like Under the Desk Fridays. Welcome, Sadie! My sister & her husband just got this cute little rag-a-muffin pup, who joined us in the office this week. My 70lb. lab thinks she's 10lbs. sometimes - like when she hops up on my lap or here, when she took over Sadie's dog bed - which is clearly meant for a dog half her size. They've had us running around this week - scolding (for me) and tearing away from chewing the desk legs (for Katie) and talking in goofy dog voices (for both of us). As much energy as it takes raising these little beasts, I couldn't imagine my life without Kingsley. I don't miss her mischievous puppy days (sorry, Katie) and she's still no angel (loves toilet paper & muffins on the counter) but she is my baby and I'd do anything for her - shredded paper, missing food, & all.
Have a great weekend, everyone.
They're both precious. :)
ohmygoodness, that is one cute pup!!
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