I was emailing with a friend who moved to LA earlier this year and is working on a new tv show while writing a tv and film screenplay. She's living one of my dreams - living out west. For years, I've longed to make the move. Just to try.
It got me thinking what else I'd just like to try. Two of my little pipe dreams are being a children's book author/illustrator and inventing my own candy. (The latter of which I'd like to consider myself a connoiseur.)
Anyone else have pipe dreams?
Sure do: architect, Ambassador to France, organic farmer. I might tackle the last in my old age.
Ooh, those are good ones. If you farm in Maine, I'll come up and do a children's book from my visit. That or create a organic candy bar.
It's a plan!
well, i'd love to live in san francisco (or somewhere where the weather is equally perfect). i'd love to illustrate a children's book. and i'd love to work at one of martha stewart's magazines (okay, the weddings mag), if only for a year, just to see all of the stuff they see .... i think i would die from happiness just opening their mail ....
Yes, the mail! I used to work in the creative dept at an ad agency here in NYC and was able to look through all the portfolios that came in. I thought that was cool - but the stuff that comes into MSW is bound to be way better. Wouldn't it also be great to see the samples that come into the buying depts. at places like Kate's Paperie or Paper Source. ...and the dreaming continues.
I have thought about how I'd love to own a children's bookstore! I'll stock my store with all the books you illustrate...also, would love to be a writer and have my stories published in the New Yorker...much like Adam Gopnik & David Sedaris.
Of course! Professional surfer and the same as yours, illustrate children's books. Or become a pastry chef.
I just saw your blog through Orange Beautiful, and couldn't resist answering this fun question.
This is a little late, but one of my favorite topics so I had to add. I was just talking about this yesterday. I have a few so bare with me - I would be a nurse, own a summer camp or own a bakery. The bakery or summer camp would be in Maine. I could be a nurse/emt anywhere. Id also like to live somewhere I have no connection to, and be a foster parent...
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