Ever since my mom passed away in 1998, the thing people tell me most about her is how she would do things for them that always made them feel special - like leaving pumpkins on friends' doorsteps, or tending her friend's garden outside his store, or picking & delivering flowers from her garden. My best friend remembers how she brought her black jelly beans (her favorite) to her sports games. And of course, I'll always remember how she never let us leave the house without a giant hug. I'd be halfway to the driveway, and she'd call me back for a squeeze. It was these little things she did that made her
her - and in turn made us feel special, feel thought of, feel loved.
So, in her honor, and on her birthday, we are giving away note cards in exchange for a promise to send this card to someone - just because. Simply email us at lindaandharriett@gmail.com with your name & snail mail address, and we'll send you a note card & envelope. That's it.
We hope you'll join us in honoring my mom by spreading a little Just Because love.
[I'll be taking a little time off from blogging. I'll be back next Monday.]
Update: Please send your emails to us by 12 noon EST on Monday, October 19 so we can get them all out that day. Thank you so much!
Update again: Attention Brooklynites! I'll be at
Blue Sky Bakery on Monday, October 19 from 10am til 1pm giving away cards
and stamps! Write your card there while enjoying the best muffins around or take it with you to write later. (Thanks, Blue Sky!)