Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shanna Murray Decals

Whenever I hear, see or think of the song You are my Sunshine, I'm reminded of my mom - sitting on my bed at night, rubbing my back or smoothing my hair, singing me to sleep. So needlesstosay, it holds a very special place in my heart & is a song I will teach our children. This decal might just need a spot in my home.

Other cute decals from Shanna Murray here.

[photo courtesy of Shanna Murray]


size too small said...

i love these. thanks for reminding me about her work.

Unknown said...

Wow!! You made me cry. I didn't no one nursery rhyme when had my babies.... so a medley of songs was created. You are my sun shine was the fav. No matter how bored, scared or restless they get " moms medley" calms. Thanks for the reminder :)

Tommy said...

Very sweet.