While I have been personalizing stationery on a You Ask, I'll Do It Basis, you'll soon be able to personalize your note cards online through our website. Here are some samples I have done in the past:

And here's one I just did for my niece's birthday:

And this one of our Oversized Flats (8.5" x 5.5") - all elements are large & in charge on this one! Perfect for big handwriting like mine:

Having the names rubber stamped gives me the flexibility to place the name wherever I want, in any color, and on different designs. AND, the person gets to keep their stamp. I love the way it looks and can't wait to do more of them.
Email me directly at liz@lindaandharriett.com if you want your very own.
And let me know what you think of the rubber stamp/letterpress combo. I'd love to hear what you think.
I just stumbled onto your blog and website from the link on daily candy (which I stumbled onto from another stationery link) and I must say...I'm in love! I have a total paper fetish that appears to be getting out of control! I have absolutely no need for any new paper products but will be emailing you via "linda & harriett" very soon to place an order.
BTW - I absolutely LOVE the way the stamp looks on the letter pressed notecards! I wish I had your talent!!
-- Cyndi
Thanks Cyndi! I appreciate it. I have received pretty good feedback on the personalized note cards, too - so I think they'll be around for a while.
We have some new designs coming in next week, so check back soon.
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