This is what it's come to as a blogger... I'm now not only carrying my camera with me at all times and taking pictures like a tourist, but I'm now taking pictures in public bathrooms. So sad, so true. The above picture was taken in the bathroom at Django - a restaurant in midtown near my sister's office. I fell in love with this yellow wallpaper and funky tin mirror and was admittedly excited when I realized I was carrying my camera. All for you, people - all for you! :)
gorgeous yellow wallpaper. if i were there (and brave enough) i'd have taken the photo, too. so thank you for being brave, and having your camera!
Thanks for thinking of us! I love it. Now put the camera back in the purse again :-)
I think I notice the graphic on it more because the mirror shape mimics it - I wonder if they did that on purpose!
Django :)
Heh heh...I do the same thing, trying to be as discreet as possible (photo ninja!) but totally coming off as a bathroom-documenting weirdo (let's just say the W hotel might not be my first for drinks next time).
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