If you live in Brooklyn, you know the street Flatbush Avenue. It's 4 lanes of cars whizzing by and going through red lights. Last night, John & I (and a handful of other concerned passers-by) found two dogs walking across this crazy street - no id tags, no leash, no owner in sight. The cops at the police station across the street said they'd take them to Animal Control right away - a sure death sentence for these abondoned guys.
We have become serious dog lovers in the past three years - the kind I never thought I'd be. The baby voices, the oh-it's-okay attitude when our 70lb beast thinks she's fit for a lap, the need to defend her "energetic" behavior. I adore & love my dog like nothing else. So I cannot even begin to imagine the person who abandoned this girl & her mastiff companion. And I could not do the same last night. We brought her home, fed & bathed her. We call her Marcy - short for St. Marks, where we finally able to catch up to her. I know she looks a little scary, but it didn't take long to find out that this girl is sweet as pie and is just really scared - and rightly so - she has scars around her nose and her ears have been clipped. I'm trying to get in touch with no-kill shelters today to see about a home for her. In the meantime, she's with us. If anyone has any suggestions or tips - I'd love to hear them. This is my first rescue - and I'm not sure I'm doing this right.
It sounds like you're doing EXACTLY what needs to be done! Good luck in finding her a good home. She's lucky to have found you last night :-)
Good for you! She looks so sweet scared. It's heartbreaking what some pups go through.
I wish I had insight into resources in your area but I don't. I am cheering for you though. I've picked up a few dogs that looked like they needed a hand so I completely understand the pull to step in and help.
Best wishes!
Way to go! It sounds like you're doing *everything* right.
My husband and I found a pup that looked almost just like Marcy last year (out here in Oregon)... after a few nights with us, I found a no-kill shelter and she was adopted within a week. So there's hope!
But, like you, I was taken with her sweetness (despite her scary look) and have never forgotten her.
Good luck!
Bless your heart. I'm not the biggest animal person, but it sounds like you're doing everything that needs to be done. I hope you and the dogs find what is best for all.
Kudos to you for picking that sweet girl up!
My husband has banned me from rescuing any more dogs (and I've sort of banned myself, too, because I tend to become a little too attached in a matter of days).
Where I live, it's really unfortunate, but the times I've rescued pups, I called and called no kill shelters and they either didn't answer the phone or only took dogs from other "kill" shelters. It must be because there are SO MANY stray dogs in our area.
I'm sure you'll find a no-kill shelter in no time. In the mean time, enjoy her and great job!
Oh, poor boo boo! She looks so scared! I used to live in Park Slope, and totally familiar with Flatbush, those dogs are lucky to be alive! In case you haven't tried these guys yet here is BARC's website:
This is Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition. If they can't take Marcy, I'm sure they can point you in the right direction.
You're doing everything right! Good for you for rescuing her. THANK YOU!
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