It's been a while since I've done an IM in Training post... mostly because I've had such horrible knee issues that I didn't know if it would even happen. And then, well, I wouldn't really be IM in Training, I'd just be injured. But, I am happy to report that after seeing a great doctor for a couple of weeks, I now know that my knee pain is caused from a tight IT band. Ever seen these foam rollers in your gym? This is what they are for - rolling out knots and tight muscles. My sister tells me it's on par with labor pains. And it better be, because man, it kills. I had had tight IT bands during my marathon-training a couple of years ago and this foam roller was the single reason I was able to keep running. Now, I'm using it (along with extra help from the doc) to work on the IT band around the knees. It's not fun, but it got me on the bike this weekend for the first time in a long time. Huge step closer to that finish line. 28 days - I will do this.
You go,girl!
Yeah! I "rolled" at Snowbird, Utah, earlier this year, and it was rough, but I felt like a million dollars afterward. Do it! Do it!
i need these! thanks for the link :)
Owww..foam rollers and I are not friends at all. But in the end it really hurts so good.
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