Linda & Harriett fan Jamaica recently emailed me to see about using our calendar cover for her art journals. I was happy to help - and then blown away when she sent over some images of these little books. I'm always saving little snippets here and there that either end up tacked to my wall or piled on my desk only to be sadly whisked away to the curb when it morphs into clutter. This, however, is a fantastic way to collect all of these treasures in a most interesting and neat way. I was immediately inspired and had to share with all of you. See more images of Jamaica's journals here and here.
thank you so much for sharing! i flipped through both journals and love the inspiration i came across. my snippets are all in a binder, but she makes it all look so much better!!!
her art journals are amazing. i seem to corral snippets like you do. one day they're here; the next they're recycled because i never came up with a "plan".
Don't tell me that the cover is composed of cut-up envelope liners! I thought I was the only person around who kept some of those. I love the patterns.
did Jamaica borrow your handwriting too??
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